While we are at it… can we ‘cancel’ calling each other P**sy?
I was chatting with my best friend ‘Ricks’ the other day about working out more and I called myself a p**sy.
(I am a woman by the way)
The word p**sy to emphasize my laziness; to imply that I was being weak.
It struck me how ludicrous I was being.
But, wait a minute…
Am I in the wrong here?
Does the World think like me?
Is everyone thought process like mine?
Are we all in agreeance that the meaning of the word ‘p**sy is slang for vagina?
Obviously not all.
Some folks first reference of the word is a cat.
However, I am American and I can tell you that, it is ‘facts’ that p**sy is another word for vagina.
I caught myself just after I verbalized my whacked description of myself.
*Meditation is a great way to be aware of your thoughts.
And asked my bestie “If that word has filtered into the ‘cancel culture’ that has gripped the States?”
It is quarantine; after all.
And I don’t have cable, which means I watch Daily Pop on YouTube.com.
So, I may be missing something.
I also pondered why a woman’s genitals would be perceived as anything but strong.
It’s nonsense in my opinion.
A majority of people may have been taught this nursery rhyme back in the day:
As much as we all want to admit words don’t affect us.
It is not true for all.
Just like boys pushing you down on the playground is not code for ‘he likes you’.
Let’s thank the book and movie ‘He’s just not into you’, for clearing that up.
Words do hurt.
Especially, the words you say to yourself.
The words YOU use to describe yourself.
Those words do have meaning.
I have decided to be more mindful of the words I say and the meaning I have attached to them.
Because my p**sy is FABULOUS!!!.
That p**sy gave birth to this guy.
That is why no longer shall I refer to the slang word of the female vagina with a negative description.
The more you go inward, the more you discover what you are really telling yourself. You start to understand your subconscious behaviors that are limiting the evolution of your mind.
You start to track what is holding you back from YOUR vision of your happiness.
It all starts with a decision.
That decision is only yours to make.
Thank you for letting me share.
#cancelculture #writinghumor #selftalk #personaldevelopement #bekindbewellsmile #E!News #humor #womanrule #lawofattraction #thinking #momstuff