The future out loud.

T.J. Batts
3 min readDec 2, 2020


My story of how the simple act of announcing my future brought me joy and confidence.

Yesterday was an awesome day. A cold front has brought lower temperatures to South Florida giving me more reason to go outside. It wasn’t just the beautiful weather that sparks joy in my heart. Nope. My best friend and I did something we haven’t done in months.

Talk a walk.

We walked over the 17th street bridge in Fort Lauderdale. Feeling silly and grateful for such a beautiful day. Don’t get me wrong my bestie and I hang out all the time. She is the only one besides my cat Henry and the apartment maintenance team that have entered my home since the pandemic. Most our excisions have been just grabbing a bit to eat at a local (uncrowded) restaurant. I am healing from an injury and haven’t been able walk far.

Now! I am getting tons better and walking in the sunshine is the perfect exercise!

As we strolled to the top of the bridge, then stopped to watch the boats cruise up and down the intercoastal.

picture by author

I brought up the fact that my son is now 30 and I wish for a place to of my own.

I elaborated in great detail the exact dwelling I desired and why.

It felt so good to say it out loud.

After my accident; I felt a little lost.

I was released to go back to a job that I knew I couldn’t do anymore.

I got certified for a job that I did not want.

With no direction in my life I went to Europe. Wandering around France, Italy, Spain and Greece hoping for an ‘Eat, love, Pray’ scenario would happen.

It didn’t.

I ran out of money and had to live on my son’s couch for 2 weeks until I landed employment.

That was a year and a half ago.

Now, I am walking over a beautiful bridge with my best friend talking to about the future.

Speaking my truth with confidence because I know the Universe always has my back.

At this moment I have absolutely no idea how I am going to buy this place. And that’s okay.

I just know it is going to happen.

I possess unwavering faith.

That’s why it felt so good to say it.

Especially, with someone who supports you.

Law of attraction is really teaching me to zoom in to what I want to create.

To filter in the life, I am destined to live.

Okay… you must be like seriously, you never thought about your future before.

The answer is yes. I have. I always knew that traveling is part of who I am. So, I worked to fund my travels. Now, I am getting older and my mindset is different.

As soon as I fell in love with myself. I started to dream bigger. Not just looking forward 5 years.

There are so many possible outcomes to a future.

Why not go for the one you really want?

This was just the step I felt, I needed to take for my journey.

I felt the need to share the vision of my future happiness with someone I trusted.

I am always reading my goals out loud to myself.

Announcing my attentions to the Universe often.

Still, I found magic in sharing my dream with my bestie.

As I voiced the words of my desire, I felt joy and gratitude vibrate throughout my body.

Another limited belief has been released.

There was a lightness in my steps for the rest of the walk.

I am grateful for that moment with my best friend.

Grateful for that moment when I felt the shift.

I wish for everyone to have that experience.

That experience of awareness of total belief in yourself.

For when you finally feel it…the sky is not the limit anymore.

Thank you for letting me share.

Be kind. Be well. Smile.



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