My son wants me to check a box.
I was a young mom. Having my amazing son at the age of 18. Coming from a very religious family, (father a Jehovah Witness). Lets just say I was kinda a black sheep of the family. (or white sheep; we are black).
The family knew I was different and left me alone.
The raddle of my drum lead me to the hospitality industry.
I cashed in on being one of the few black chick bartenders in my local college town.
Started ‘guest’ bartending at many events.
My favorite being ‘Fetish night’.
It was the early 90’s in Connecticut and all the clubs around town dedicated one night to an ‘ulternative lifestyle’.
It was a good start.
Being in my early twenties, I was a horney bird.
Drawn to the LGBTQ lifestyle; my friends and hookups were drag queens, bi-sexual, same sexual, didn’t matter.
The only thing that mattered was that we were being exactly who were suppose to be.
I never had a conversation with specifically about sexually with my son.
Didn’t think I needed to.
I just let him witness that ‘love is love’, because that is all what matters.
Fast forward to 2000’s
Jay Z’s Mom comes out and that gets my son thinking.
Which leads to the question about the box.
I don’t like to check boxes. I find it strange.
But, my son dared me for clarification.
I chose ‘Queer’.
I am not like everyone else.
I am a human that understands energy.
A person’s energy is what attracts me to someone.
I don’t care about gentitals.
It doesn’t matter.
“That makes you fluid” many have said.
I don’t except that box either. Because sometime sex just doesn’t matter to me (I mean like for years).
That’s the part that makes me Queer, in my opionion.
However, if there was a box that says ‘love is love’; welp, that is the box I would love to check.
Infact! It is not a box I am checking. It is a cloud I am laying on.
Because boxes don’t matter.
What is in your heart determines the life you live.
My amazing son lives outside Palm Springs, California. I currently reside in Wilton Manors, Florida.
Guess, I did something right.
Thank you for letting me share.
#LGBTQ #bekindbewellsmile #queer #wiltonmanors #fluid #personaldevelopment #loveislove #palmsprings #uniquelyyou