My right hand is itching.

T.J. Batts
2 min readNov 6, 2020

There is magic in the unfolding.

Bill Pasco on Unsplash

My right hand is itching.

Folklore says it is a sign that I will be receiving money soon.

That money can come in different forms.

This post may welcome 10,000 claps or I may find money on the ground.

I will take either way.

The point is…

A right palm itching is an indication that I am in the receiving mode!

That’s the exciting part for me.

It doesn’t matter if the manifestation has occurred right at this moment.

I am in the receiving mode and can feel the joy NOW.

“Focus on the feeling of joy NOW” -Abraham Hicks

There is power in the NOW.

We all wish for the manifestations to happen quickly.

The image of a ‘genie on a magic carpet’ is usually image when we think of the law of attraction.

Conveniently, forgetting all about the beautiful inspirations and synchronicities that come before the actual physical manifestation.

After forming a habitual meditation practice; I was able to accept the statement: ‘FOLLOW YOUR BLISS’.

Good feeling thoughts lead to impulses that ended up guiding me to my intented manifestation.

Consistent meditation opens you up to be in the receiving mode.

While you are in the receiving mode, clarity is an open fountain for you.

There are times when I have no idea what to write.

I will sit with my computer open take a couple of deep breaths and gaze out the window.

I love clouds.

They make me happy.

Looking at the clouds shifts me into an appreciation state of being.

My spirit then moves into the receiving mode.

I move into alignment.

An idea comes to me.

Alignment happens when you are meditating.

Let’s remember that meditation comes in all different forms.

Artists and athletes may refer to it as getting in the zone.

A runner calls it ‘runners high’.

Even going for a hike triggers a meditative state.

Ever notice you seem to have a clear answer to a problem after you have taken a walk?

Taking that walk has relaxed you.

Opening you up to letting the ideas flow to you quickly and easily.

Are you picking up what I am putting down?

“It is fun to be a conscious witness to a thought you received because of meditation”- Abraham Hicks

My right palm was itching; it stopped during the writing of this post.

I probably won’t think about that itch again.

I am just going to sit back eagerly waiting to be surprised from the unfolding.

Thank you for letting me share.

Be kind. Be well. Smile.

