British talk.
How the British invasion never ended.
It is all the Beatles fault.
In today’s world it may the ripple effect of Harry Styles.
Doesn’t matter.
My love of the British culture has made me I am such a liar. In the most adorable way possible.
And I am not the only one who does it!
Infact! I am pretty sure that there are more liars out there just like me who slickly execute this kind of deviance.
I bet if you really thought about it; you know someone who does it.
Have you become curious of this dirty deed that I am describing?
You may have gotten some kind of inkling from the title.
It is the hilarious undertaking of faking a British accent.
I really perfected this art after working the ‘off season bus tour circuit’ in the hospitality world.
I mean… I am never going to see these people again. Why not have some fun?
Wait…I should give you some context of the ‘bus tour circuit’
It is basically a ton of people at one time who are hungry and in a hurry. Also, during this time you are really tired and fed up of people asking you, your life story. I like being nice so even thou I am cranky, I would entertain myself by entertaining myself by telling people stories. Plus, Americans just love a British accent.
My obsession of the British culture started when I was very young. My mom was a Caribbean Queen and spoke the ‘Queen’s English’.
One might say that is when the obsession started.
Fast forward to 2020 the obsession continues.
I peeped a couple of ‘reality stars’ that also adopted British enunciation of American English.
Which made me ponder if it was a ‘Connecticut thing’.
Kelli a character on HBO’s Insecure does an amazing British accent on episode 4 ‘Low key Moving On’ to spice up a date she on. It’s really funny. And so…on point with the point I am trying to make.
Which is?
That fake British accents are a thing!
I am no longer ashamed of my little fabrication by way of pronunciation of my words.
I never let it go too far.
I usually give up the jig after a while.
True story I saw a patron from a restaurant in Spain on a holiday once (I live in the US).
They walked right up to me and said hello.
Thank goodness I never had an accent with them.
It is a small world after all!
I bet there is some British chick putting on an American accent right now. Lol
Thanks for letting me share.
Be kind. Be well. Smile.