A shout out to earthing

T.J. Batts
3 min readDec 5, 2019


It is often noted when a trend comes around. A nod to the original is given. Dare we ask, has there been a salute to childhood since the term ‘earthing’ as graced our news feeds?

Well, in honor of that tradition. This is our wink to the past recycling itself in the best way possible. It is love when natural instinct gain a title.

Clarify of ‘earthing’ took us a minute, for we are thinking of it in a spiritual sense.

Google had other ideas.

Found was something industrial. A mattress ad.

A couple of clicks down we received our answer.

When we make direct contact with the surface of the Earth, with our bare feet or hands, our bodies receive a charge of energy that makes us feel better, fast. -Earthing.com

Quick back story.

The Google search was inspired because our mom told us we are trending.

Let’s just say; trendy wouldn’t be the a word to describe us.

Short story, I promise. 🙃

It happened this June, during a visit to mom’s house. We had been outside taking a phone call, barefooted as usual.

We are always very conscious of our dirty feet entering the house.

Mom in stealth mode just appears. (she always has this way of sneaking up and can hear everything).

However ever, with great surprise she comes at us with no snarky comment. Instead she gives us.

“Did you know you have been ‘earthing’ all your life”?

“Wha’choo talkin’ bout, mom?” We hesitantly ask. (shout out to Gary Collin and Different Strokes writers)

Mom smirks and takes a seat.

“All those times when you went to read by a tree when you were upset. Or how you used to go out to the backyard to kick your shoes off and pace around when you had a big decision to make. Or how you always encouraged me to keep a garden”. She pauses and closes her eyes. (Mom loves a dramatic pause).

She continues “Or all those times I was sad you made me take a walk on the beach; barefooted. Claiming being barefoot like this will help me feel grounded. The world has caught up. Your trendy. It’s called ‘earthing”

Another dramatic pause.

“And to think all this time I thought you were a witch”.

She winks and walks away.

So…that’s how I found out that, I have been earthing. ALL OF MY LIFE. An instinctive habit I never let go of because it felt good. Doing things that make you feel good is life magic.

Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

Thanks for letting us share.

Be kind. Be well. Smile!!!

#bekindbewellsmile #earthing #writinghumor #fun #smilemore #kindness #wellness #outside #hippie



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